Aportes interdisciplinarios de la ultrasonografía en el diagnóstico y seguimiento y manejo del túnel del Carpo


  • Randol Karami Silva Bermudez Universidad del Cauca
  • Jordy Rafael Mora Cáceres Universidad del Sinú Montería
  • Oscar Iván Pinto Ramos Universidad Privada del Valle-Bolivia
  • Sheila Maria Blanco Galvan Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • Jesús Alberyan Cortés Díaz Universidad de Caldas
  • Jorge David Mendoza Arroyo Universidad de Antioquia


Túnel del carpu, tenar amyotrophy, peripheral neuropathy, neuropathy, ultrasonography.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compression neuropathy in the upper
limbs worldwide, with a higher prevalence in women. Its diagnosis is made clinically
by its symptomatology and findings on physical examination, often confirmed with
electromyography and other studies. The criteria of ultrasound for the diagnosis of
carpal tunnel syndrome have become more useful, obtaining a series of advantages
that are: greater tolerance when performing the examination, lower cost, allows an
easier evaluation and diagnosis, providing a good severity index and a good detail of the
anatomical variants, as well as the possibility of measuring parameters of the median
nerve, blood flow, and mobility. In terms of treatment, we can perform infiltrations
under ultrasound guidance, ultrasound-guided surgeries, and follow-up with ultrasound
controls to visualize their therapeutic response in patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel



How to Cite

Silva Bermudez, R. K. ., Mora Cáceres, J. R., Pinto Ramos, O. I., Blanco Galvan, S. M., Cortés Díaz, J. A., & Mendoza Arroyo, J. D. (2022). Aportes interdisciplinarios de la ultrasonografía en el diagnóstico y seguimiento y manejo del túnel del Carpo. Scientific and Educational Medical Journal, 5(2), 131-144. Retrieved from https://www.medicaljournal.com.co/index.php/mj/article/view/91




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